Monday, August 21, 2006

Inka, Blue & Black Pepper: Back in Portland!

After the Babywearing Conference, we didn't know where to go so we headed to Virgina for a quick stay and then we, Inka, Blue and myself, decided to visit with the mamas of Portland again.

The weather was still perfect when we arrived. We called the Portland NINO group to see if they could meet us for coffee. I think about 20 mamas and papas showed up to greet us! They were all so nice to meet! I did meet some of the mamas from the conference but most of them were for the first time. Oh the mamas and papas are friendly and so nice here.

After a little bit of talking, they all got up and swarmed the table where we were sitting with Mei Tai, Ring-o Sling, and "Pouch-y". They started touching us and some of us were given really big hugs from the mamas and papas, oh and the babies! There was only a couple of other wraps there, Inka's twin sister, who suprised all of us by being there, Easy Care, and I can't forget that Hot Mama herself, was there too.

You might be wondering, Why are there pictures of bellies on the wall?!?! The coffee shop had an artist's display there. There was so many pictures of belly buttons on the wall! We tried to take a picture of some of the mamas with their carriers showing a little belly but the camera's batteries died and no one else had a camera or batteries so we only have a few pictures of our time here.

After a wonderful time, Inka, Blue, and myself decided to hop a plane and head to Utah!


Black Pepper